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Working With Vulnerable Children, Teenagers and Adults - Includes Clients Self-Harming and Suicidal Ideation



‘It was brilliant – one of the most informative and absolutely fundamentally important CPDs I have attended’ AB



'I just want to say what a fabulous CPD today. It was really informative and enjoyable. My recommendation is that everyone should do this. Fabulous course and so enjoyably delivered!’ DP



'Thoroughly enjoyed today, thank you. So much knowledge and information from Julie, great to have the resources to use in practice to safeguard our clients and ourselves. An essential CPD for therapists to attend!'




'Another fabulous, and very informative CPD delivered by Julie. Julie has so much experience and a wealth of information to share, and she is always so generous with her handouts and top tips. I feel it should really be included in the HPD course, safeguarding is needed now more than ever!'




'This was absolutely superb and I’d thoroughly recommend any Hypnotherapist to book on to the next one. However experienced. It was fabulous! Julie’s delivery is so calming I feel ready to tackle anything. And I learnt sooooo much.'


This CPD covers working with vulnerable/at risk children, young people and adults, who may be self-harming and/or with suicidal ideation. Other times they may be being bullied.


Working with this more vulnerable group of clients is more complex, and brings more responsibility on the part of us, the Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist. As Therapists, we need to safeguard ourselves, as well as the clients we’re working with. We also need to follow different policy when working over Zoom with these more vulnerable clients than when working face to face in our Practice Rooms.


We will learn how to make individual Safety Plans – no two people are the same, and each Safety Plan will be different and unique. We will also look at how to Safeguard each of our clients.


Both Safeguarding and Safety Planning are equally important and essential, though different to each other.


When working with vulnerable clients, Safety Plans not only help ensure the client stays safe, they also cover us from a legal standpoint should the outcome with the client be less than 100% favourable. Although rare, we need to acknowledge the possibility, and have all our paperwork securely in place, so that should we be asked by the relevant authorities to provide copies of our paperwork as evidence of our Safe and Professional Practice, it is vital we are able to do so. It also helps us if we are called to give evidence in Court, after working with either a young or adult client (adults are classified as 18+).


You will go away at the end of the CPD with Templates of all the ‘extra’ paperwork we need to use with this group of clients, including Templates for Safety Planning, and the Template of a specially adapted Risk Assessment Form, as well as the knowledge of how and when to use these.


In the USA, 25% of Therapists whose client suicides are asked to attend Court. This does not happen in the UK in such large numbers. Yet we are being asked more frequently to hand the relevant authorities all our client notes together with evidence of what we have put in practice to keep our clients safe, especially vulnerable clients.


This CPD covers all you need to know and have in place.


Learning Objectives:


Including Safeguarding, Safety Planning, Assessing Risk, Working Safely Online, updated and more robust Terms and Conditions and Consent Forms, this CPD covers what you need to know to be able to keep your clients and yourself, safe in Practice.


The CPD will also equip you with the knowledge of what to do during a session if a client suddenly declares to you they are vulnerable - self harming etc.


This CPD is suited to Therapists and Hypnotherapists who already have experience working with clients.


Course Structure:




There will be morning and afternoon breaks for Coffee.


During the morning we will discuss the ways in which our clients are coming to see us with more complex issues in an ever-changing, more complex world. When this happens, we need to put safeguarding, risk assessments and safety planning in place. We also need to follow different policy when working over Zoom with more vulnerable clients than when we're working face to face.


We will go through this in detail, as well as looking at all our essential paperwork: you will go away with all the updates that are recommended for you add to your Terms & Conditions, Consent Forms, as well as additional paperwork it will safeguard you the Therapist to have in place.


During the afternoon we will learn how to design and implement specific Safety Plans etc for your more vulnerable clients: if during a session a client told you they had begun self-harming, or thinking of suicide, these extra steps and extra paperwork protect both you and your client. By putting these essential steps in place straight away, you are protecting yourself as a Therapist and Hypnotherapist, and also keeping your client safer.


Date of Course: 20th October 2024


Investment: £105 


© Copyright Julie May Therapy and Training 2023. All rights reserved.


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Julie May Clinical Hypnotherapy and Training
National Council for Hypnotherapy














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